Hoxton Park High School

Achieving Excellence, Inspiring Success

Telephone02 9607 4222


Year 8

Yr 8 Subjects

·        Literacy

·        Science

·        Australian History & Geography

·        Numeracy & Mathletics

·        Music

·        LOTE (Japanese)

·        Technology & Applied Sciences Mandatory

·        Hoxton Hub & Lexile

·        PDHPE

·        Visual Arts

·        Sport

For further information regarding the subjects listed above – The “Curriculum & Activities” tab has a link to each faculty that will have greater detail on the units of work taught. 


Study in high school requires a new approach. Your child can become more self-reliant and independent by getting into a routine and planning their weekly workload. They may need your help with getting used to new routines.

Setting priorities and time management

Good time management helps students juggle their many commitments and interests and establish good habits for life. Weekly and monthly planners can help your child with time management. Their HPHS School Diary is a good tool for them to store and track due dates of Homework and Assignments. All students are taught successful diary uses and expectations at HPHS.

Help with online research

Students in the middle years need help with online research skills including finding, evaluating, communicating and reflecting on information.


Students are able to approach any teacher at any time for support and assistance. Staff that liaise the most with Year 8 are the Year 8 Deputy Principal Mr Cole, the Year Advisor Ms M. Joseph and the Assistant Year Advisor Mr Sabih. 

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