Hoxton Park High School

Achieving Excellence, Inspiring Success

Telephone02 9607 4222


Assessment Extensions and Special Considerations

Information relating to extensions and special considerations for Assessments can be found in each Assessment Booklet under section 3. Specific Information.
3.1 Extensions
Extensions for Assessment Tasks are only granted in circumstances where a student may be disadvantaged due to a circumstance that is outside of their control. A request for an extension for an assessment task can be made by:
● Completing and submitting an Application for Extension - Assessment Task to the Head Teacher of the subject, at least 3 school days before the assessment is due. Please note: Classroom teachers cannot grant an extension for Assessment Tasks.
● All supporting documents, including a medical certificate or other written documents need to be included in the application.
The Head Teacher will make a decision based on the presented evidence and ensuring other students completing the task will not be disadvantaged.
Students who submit tasks after the due date without appropriate documents will be awarded a ZERO (0) mark, which could result in the loss of the RoSA (Record of School Achievement), Preliminary HSC or HSC.
3.1.1 Special Consideration for religious observances 
Students may apply for special consideration for an in-class assessment task/examination that falls on the day of an important religious/cultural event.
To be considered you must complete the Special Consideration Form and attach appropriate evidence/documentation and submit this to the Head Teacher of the course at least 3 school days prior to the task.
Please note: This does not apply to any take home task that is due on the day of religious observanceStudents are given a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice to complete the task so it is their responsibility to hand in the task before the scheduled event.
No consideration will be given to students who do not follow this process. This DOES NOT apply to any key dates and events set by NESA (http://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au)