School Context
Hoxton Park High School is a comprehensive, co-educational high school that welcomes and accommodates students from different backgrounds and with different learning needs.
The school has adopted the four core values of care, respect, participation and excellence. The school population consists of 85% of students from language backgrounds other than English and 31 Indigenous students. There are more than 10 different cultures represented in the school population. The school is proud of its strong multicultural tradition and the values students learn about tolerance of diversity and inclusivity.
The curriculum caters for all students through a broad range of subjects including academic courses, vocational education (VET) in Hospitality, Retail, Information Technology and School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT) and TAFE courses. Gifted and talented students are catered for within the Self Select class program and the provision of a differentiated curriculum, catering for all learners.
The school is part of the Educational Pathways Pilot Program (EPPP), Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) with strong links with AMEX, Optus, Mainfreight, Western Sydney University, University of Wollongong, University of Sydney and University of New South Wales as business partners. The school has a comprehensive student leadership and welfare program which includes strong links with partner primary schools. The school is part of the Positive Behaviour for Success (PBS) program and the Australian Government Quality Teaching Program (AGQTP). Students excel academically, in the arts, citizenship and sporting arenas.
Hoxton Park High School is an outstanding school with a fabulous reputation. We have great programs, teachers, students and families, all of which contribute to making Hoxton Park High School a quality school.