HPHS Science Faculty
The faculty of Science at Hoxton Park High School is proactive, dynamic and student-centred in nurturing and scaffolding scientific knowledge and skills for students in years 7 – 12.
Educational programs and activities in the faculty are designed to be engaging, interactive, inquiry driven and reflect the diversity and background of students in the classroom. Students are taught to develop reflective critical thinking skills, develop self efficacy, self estimate, increase their motivation and autonomy. The faculty also emphasises skills which support and develop long term learning so that every student can reach and attain benchmarks for science education as prescribed by the department of education and training syllabus.
The programs in our faculty are designed to present many challenges, both in and outside of the classroom. The faculty has a full range of facilities, resources and services to meet the specific needs of the students, so that they can understand current challenges and acquire appropriate skills and knowledge in their study, so that they can become competitive in their academic and professional goals.