Hoxton Park High School

Achieving Excellence, Inspiring Success

Telephone02 9607 4222


Principal's Message

As the Principal at Hoxton Park High School, I am committed to delivering quality education to develop the academic capability and individual talents, interests and abilities of our young students.  My aim is to provide a responsive and accountable school that produces well educated and responsible citizens who value life-long learning and have the tools, attitude and confidence to excel in their chosen field.

My vision is to build the school community as a learning organisation in which on-going teacher learning is complimentary to student learning. Where students, through modelling, develop a love of learning and the independence and strength to achieve their dreams and realise their personal best.

 At Hoxton Park High School we encourage students to take pride in themselves, have high expectations and value learning. Our students are provided with opportunities to pursue their interests and to extend their talents. We provide a high level of care and understanding for every student and maintain a vision of continued excellence and service. There is a strong emphasis on providing a diverse and challenging curriculum resulting in our high achievers all graduating to the university or TAFE career of their choice. 

Strong school partnerships with parent and community groups, an emphasis on quality teaching and learning, leadership and supportive student welfare initiatives have served to increase the esteem with which the school is held in the wider community.

The school population is diverse, with more than 85% of students coming from non-English speaking backgrounds. There are more than 10 different cultures represented in the school population.  The school is proud of its strong multicultural tradition and the values students learn about tolerance of diversity and inclusivity.

Hoxton Park High School is an outstanding school with a fabulous reputation. We have great programs, teachers, students and families, all of which contribute to making Hoxton Park High School a quality school.

Our School Expectations are:


We are committed to the continued improvement of our student learning outcomes whilst enhancing the whole development of our young men and women.  There is a consensus among staff and parents that we provide a holistic education so that in addition to academic pursuits, students are able to excel in the arts, in sport and be provided with a variety of social and cultural experiences.

Leny Wallace
