19 Jul 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,
The Parent Portal has arrived and now receive correspondence immediately.
Hoxton Park High School has undertaken a new initiative, the Parent Portal. Our aim is to move into the digital era and create an environment of paperless communication between parents/carers and the school.
This will mean that most of our communication with you will be digital via the online Parent Portal. You will receive Academic Reports, Parent Permission Notes, Excursion Notes, Newsletters, and other correspondence immediately and not when they are found at the bottom of the school bag.
To begin we need to confirm your email address, as the instructions for setting up the Parent Portal will be emailed to you.
What do you need to do?
1. Completed this form to confirm your current email address. Parent Portal Form
2. Return this form to us, via email hoxtonpark-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au or drop it in the letterbox at the main pedestrian gate.
Please follow this link for further information regarding the Parent Portal
We will send you an email with an access key & instructions on accessing the Parent Portal soon.