Hoxton Park High School

Achieving Excellence, Inspiring Success

Telephone02 9607 4222


Year 9 Goals

GOALS is a one-to-one mentoring program designed to widen the life choices and aspirations of students in their middle year of high school and encourage them to complete high school.

Students from high schools generally have little opportunity to network outside their immediate community and are often lacking in professional role models who can demonstrate or encourage a variety of career options. This limited social network combined with financial constraints can result in a higher likelihood of leaving school early.

The focus of GOALS is to raise awareness of the wider personal, educational and vocational choices available, to maintain student engagement at school and to encourage the completion of Year 12 and further tertiary study.


Students are matched with a corporate mentor who has shared interests and experiences. They work in groups and individually in sessions that include setting goals, communication, managing finances and preparation for the workforce.

The 2018 GOALS program will be launched on WEdnesday13 June. Parents of selected students are welcome to attend the event and meet their child's business mentor.

Please contact Mrs Genua for further details on 9607 4222.

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